Performance monitoring for Laravel

Introducing Laravel performance monitoring in Honeybadger!

Laravel/Statamic Performance dashboard in Honeybadger, showing various charts and metrics over a 7-day period. Charts include request counts, response distributions, job durations, response codes, and tables for slowest controllers and requests.

We've added two new features just for Laravel developers:

  1. A new Laravel performance dashboard. Instead of creating a dashboard from scratch, select “ Laravel” from our list of curated monitoring dashboards. The new dashboard allows you to monitor requests and background jobs, slow requests and queries, and more.
  2. Laravel performance instrumentation. Our composer package now automatically sends performance events and metrics from Laravel. The new instrumentation is what powers your dashboard, but you can also use BadgerQL to dig into the data yourself.

To use these features, you'll need to upgrade to version 4.2.x of the honeybadger-laravel composer package and enable a config option in config/honeybadger.php:

  'events' => [
      'enabled' => true

You can also customize the default dashboard and send your application logs to Honeybadger — read the full blog post to learn more.