Tutorials, product info, and good advice from the Honeybadger crew.
Rails' 7+ released the ability to utilize multiple threads out of the box which can drastically improve the performance of your application. Read this article to learn how Rails async queries work and when to use them.
Phoenix gives you a great headstart by leveraging the built-in telemetry of the BEAM, your OS and your Elixir code out of the box - learn how it saves you time and gets you up and running fast.
Logging is a valuable tool for performance, monitoring, and debugging. Jump into this article to learn best practices for practical Python logging.
Can't decide which React component library to use? Jump into this article, where we evaluate ten of the most popular React component libraries.
From deploying to production, running tests, or using a dev environment, containers are handy. Jump in to learn how to build a Laravel Docker container.
Honeybadger recently migrated our background job processing from Sidekiq to Karafka. Dig in to see what we learned.
A WYSIWYG editor allows users to easily format text, add images, and more. In this article, you'll learn how to build a rich text editor in React using CKEditor 5.
From frozen string literals to default block parameters, Ruby 3.4 brings some nice improvements and changes. Jump in to learn what's new.
The latest release of Rails includes a ton of new options and defaults that making shipping applications without a PaaS even easier. Dig in to learn what's new in Rails 8.
We're thrilled to announce a native integration with ilert, combining Honeybadger's full-stack application monitoring with ilert's real-time alert routing and on-call management platform. Read the announcement to learn more.