Affordable error tracking plus logging and more

Honeybadger vs. Airbrake

Developers love Honeybadger for our industry-leading support, competitive pricing, and powerful features.

Screenshot of an error monitoring dashboard with an unresolved NoMethodError in 'charge_payment' method from a Ruby on Rails application, showing a code snippet, error details, and metadata like URL and browser version. An arrow points from structured application logs to the error details in Honeybadger.

Simple, predicatable pricing

Want to pay less and get more? Honeybadger's pricing is transparent and forgiving. We don't charge for overages, and if you accidentally exceed your monthly plan limits (it happens), just email us—we'll absorb the cost.

“One weekend we sent them 100,000 errors and just got a polite email. Class act.”

—Mike Perham, Creator of Sidekiq and Faktory

A handwritten font that reads 'An actual support ticket' with an arrow pointing to the right.

Sweta: We’re gearing up for a big product launch in a week and we hit our limit from doing some load testing. We do need exceptions through the rest of the month. What do you advise here?

Josh: Hi Sweta, I've suspended limit checks on your account for the rest of this month, so you shouldn't get cut off if you go over your limit. Just go easy on us. 😁

If you need more errors regularly, I'd recommend upgrading to one of our higher-volume plans.

Good luck with the launch!

Sweta: Wow Josh, thanks SO MUCH!! You and I are on the same team, hope the volume isn’t MUCH higher hahah. Happy weekend!

A handwritten font that reads 'An actual support ticket' with an arrow pointing up.

Everything you need to keep prod running smoothly

Are you paying for features you don't use? We get it. As a small team of full-stack developers ourselves, we got tired of stitching together the perfect monitoring stack. That's why Honeybadger includes everything you need—and nothing you don't.

Here's a breakdown of Airbrake's features vs. Honeybadger's:

  Honeybadger Airbrake
Midrange Price $297/mo $299/mo
Error Tracking
Performance Monitoring
Uptime Monitoring
Status Pages
Cron & Heartbeat Monitoring
Log Management
# Users unlimited unlimited
# Projects unlimited unlimited
# Errors 1.8M/mo 1M/mo
# Log events Starts at 50MB/day n/a
Error Retention 90 days 180 days

Your observability toolkit

Quickly answer any question with BadgerQL. Slowest requests today? Most common errors? Who signed up last weekend? BadgerQL is a powerful query language that lets you slice and dice all of your application data—not just your errors!

A data table showing the average request duration in milliseconds for different controllers in a web application. The 'AccountsController' has the highest average duration of 6126.84 ms, followed by 'SamlController' at 2094.47 ms, 'SearchController' at 1597.89 ms, 'ProjectsController' at 958.56 ms, and 'TeamMembersController' at 783.47 ms. The search query used to generate this table is visible above the results, including commands to calculate the average duration, sort by duration, and limit the output to 5 entries.

Monitor your code, not your costs

When you switch, you'll save $2/month and get 800K more errors—and that's before the savings from all the other services you can replace with Honeybadger.

Here's a hypothetical cost breakdown:

  Errors Uptime Logging Grand Total
Airbrake $299/mo $124/mo $150/mo $573/mo
Honeybadger $297/mo ✓ Included $15/mo add-on $312/mo
Total savings with Honeybadger: $261/mo

You've never experienced support like this.

We pride ourselves on giving our customers the best developer-led support in the industry. Go ahead and email us right now—you'll get a fast reply from our dev team, and we'll go above and beyond to answer your questions.

Ben Curtis

Ben Curtis

To: Jason Charnes

Subject: Re: Uploading logs

Happy to help! And thanks for letting me know it (mostly) worked. I guess I have some debugging to do on that environment variable. :)

One last thing... make sure you run this to get Vector to start after a reboot:

sudo systemctl enable vector.service

I put that in the gist after I sent the last email to you, so you may have done that already, but you may not have, and it doesn't hurt to do it twice. :)

Oh, and about the log prefix you mentioned... look in config/environments/production.rb for config.log_tags and comment that out. That's probably what's adding that stuff to your logs.

Jason Charnes

Jason Charnes

To: Honeybadger Support

Subject: Re: Uploading logs

That did the trick!!

This is so awesome. Again, thank you!

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Get monitoring done.

See the bigger picture, put everything into context & detect anomalies before they become catastrophes.