Brought to you by Honeybadger—simple application monitoring that helps developers move fast and fix things.
How do you debug your PHP code? If you use echo, var_dump, and print_r, there's a better way: use a debugger! Join Mauro Chojrin for an exploration of three world-class debuggers available for PHP.
Sometimes you have a task that is too slow for a typical web request, such as sending an email or parsing a CSV file. Laravel Queues are a great fit for that type of work. In this article, Farhan dives deep into the Laravel docs to help us understand all of the various options.
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a programming style that can help you write well-designed and error-free code. In this tutorial, learn how to build a Laravel app using TDD.
APIs are everywhere! In this article, you'll learn how to consume external APIs in Laravel using Guzzle.
Containers are popular and unlock many benefits for Laravel developers, but getting started can be confusing. Learn how to containerize an existing Laravel application and discover the benefits that containers can bring to your development workflow.
Unit, integration, acceptance, TDD, BDD, oh-em-gee! How should you test, and when? In this article, Mauro Chojrin explains the different testing tools and methodologies available in PHP and how to use them.
Adding social logins to Laravel is easier than you think. In this article, Funke Faith Olasupo discusses OAuth and shows how to implement social login with Laravel Socialite.
Elastic Beanstalk makes getting started with Amazon Web Services (AWS) much easier. In this article, Farhan Hasin Chowdhury steps through how to deploy a Laravel app to Elastic Beanstalk.
You are authorized to access this article! Learn how to secure your Laravel application with simple roles and permissions.
Job queues and workers are an essential part of any web application - allowing slower work to be done in the background without compromising end-user experience. In this post, Darius introduces us to Laravel's job processing capabilities.
Whether you're deploying to production, running tests on CI, or creating a standardized dev environment, containers are handy. In this article, Geshan shows us how to containerize an existing Laravel app with docker.
Caching is an essential tool for making web apps go fast. Laravel caching is easy to implement but difficult to get right. Jump in to learn how to implement caching using Laravel's built-in system, which supports multiple back-ends like Memcached and Redis.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy way to deploy web applications and services. Just upload your code, and it handles the details like server provisioning, load-balancing, scaling, etc. In this article, Samson Omojola shows us how to deploy our Laravel apps to EBS.
Every application has errors. It's how you respond to them that makes the difference. In this article, Ashley Allen shows us how to use Honeybadger to make sure your Laravel apps are performing as they should.
People are getting more and more excited as the awaited release date of the new version of PHP (v8.1) approaches. Learn what we know so far. Also learn about the PHP GitHub sponsors launch as well as the RevoltPHP project.
PHPDay, WebSummerCamp and LaraCon. Symfony CVEs. Laravel 9 release date is pushed back. PHP announces 8.1 release date and deprecates ticks. Laravel celebrates its 10th birthday!
As developers, our world is made of text, but computers only understand numbers. What gives? A process called character encoding maps numbers to letters. Easy enough, until you realize that we need to encode every character from every language while keeping file sizes small and staying compatible with legacy systems. In this article, José shows us everything we need to know about character encoding for PHP developers - including what to do when it breaks!
Debug your Laravel applications better with structured event logs.
Join Marcel Pociot as he walks through building a Honeybadger custom resource tool for Laravel Nova.
We recently moved our blog to WordPress. And though WP seems to be the best blogging platform around, it's not exactly fast. Scratch that. It's slow. It's really slow.
You know how we love to hate the Rails asset pipeline? If it did nothing else,...