It's summer! Time to go out and catch some rays!

While you're out, we at Honeybadger will be happy to keep tabs on your apps. We've recently launched a bunch of new features to make it even easier.

Track errors across multiple platforms

Have a project you didn’t write in Ruby? The badger has you covered. We've recently added or expanded support for:

  • Python 2.7 with Django
  • PHP with Slim and Composer Support
  • Node.js with Express and Connect

That's in addition to our support for Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir, Go and Java. Just like our adorable mascot, the honeybadger, we'll eat whatever errors you throw at us.

Fine tune your ops workflow

The last thing people want is get alerted about an error when they aren’t on-call or not needed to resolve it. Honeybadger integrates with your favorite incident management tools such as:

  • OpsGenie, notable for its ability to route Honeybadger errors to their platform and notify the right people based on a determined on-call schedule.
  • VictorOps, renowned for its chat platform that enables teams to collaborate and resolve errors quickly.
  • PagerDuty, lauded for...well, you get the idea. :)

..and for you data junkies:

  • DataDog, distinguished for its aggregation of multiple data streams to create one seamless event monitoring app.

If you would rather customize your own alerts with existing project management tools like Pivotal Tracker and chat tools like Slack, Honeybadger can help you with that too. We include options to choose which events warrant notification, when to turn on or off the firehose of alerts, and the use of filters to determine which events deserve extra notification.

Check out our video on how to customize alerts to your preference.


Turn data into action

Honeybadger lets you get straight to the source by tying errors to users within your app, as well making it easy to access your error data.

  • Our integration with Intercom has the ability to track events that are triggered by users. These events can be used to segment your users into lists for follow-up or additional messaging. Honeybadger can send the "Error Encountered" event to Intercom whenever a logged-in user at your site encounters an error. You can even send out a message to everyone that encountered an error after you deploy a fix.
  • We just released V2 of our READ API, featuring performance upgrades and new endpoints. For more details, check out our blog post.

Intercom Error Users When a logged-in user in your site encounters an error, Honeybadger will send the information to Intercom so you get notified about it before a customer reaches out. Magic!

We hope these new features empower you to take your full vacation, guilt free. If you have suggestions on additional integrations or other languages to support, shoot us a line at

Try Honeybadger for FREE

Honeybadger helps you find and fix errors before your users can even report them. Get set up in minutes and check monitoring off your to-do list.
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Sophia Le

In her free time, Sophia cooks plant-based recipes, frequents yoga class, and will never say no to karaoke. She blogs about her attempt at work-life balance at

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