
The Error Trackers

Error and exception tracking alternatives—which is right for you?

There are SO MANY error trackers on the market, and they're all the same; how do you know which is the best?

Sentry, BugSnag, Rollbar, Airbrake... all of these tools focus on just exceptions. Honeybadger is different—we go beyond exceptions to give you full confidence in the health of your production systems. Our integrated exception, uptime, and cron/service monitoring will save your bacon when:

  • AWS/Google Cloud Platform/Azure/et al. have issues
  • Critical jobs and services go missing
  • SSL/TLS certificates expire
  • Web servers crash
  • DNS fails
  • ...and the list goes on...

Honeybadger is the only error monitoring platform which can alert you about all of these issues, and for roughly the same price as these one-trick competitors:

  Honeybadger Sentry BugSnag Rollbar Airbrake
Midrange Price $297/mo $284/mo $259/mo $299/mo $299/mo
Error Tracking
Uptime Monitoring
Status Pages
Cron & Heartbeat Monitoring
Logging & Observability
# Errors 1.8M/mo 1.5M/mo 1.5M/mo 1.5M/mo 1M/mo
# Users unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Data Retention 90 days 90 days 60 days 180 days 180 days

Consider this scenerio:

If you buy Airbrake, you'll pay $2/month more than Honeybadger for 500K fewer errors. You'll also have to buy Pingdom to get uptime monitoring; that's $124/month for 100 uptime checks. To monitor your cron jobs and microservices, prepare to spend another $79/mo on Cronitor or Healthchecks.io. It adds up fast:

  Exceptions Uptime Check-Ins Grand Total
Airbrake $299/mo $124/mo $79/mo $502/mo
Honeybadger $297/mo ✓ Included ✓ Included $297/mo
Total Savings with Honeybadger: $205/mo

If all that's not enough, there are many other benefits which you get with Honeybadger:

  • Your next outage will be easier to diagnose and fix, and your customers will be happier.
  • With everything in one place, you'll spend less time managing team access and alerts.
  • You'll spend more time on software development, less time on monitoring.
  • You will flat out love working with us. We're highly personable, and your success is our mission.

We built Honeybadger for pragmatic teams who need to move fast and focus on their customers. If that's you, then chances are we're the tool you've been waiting for.

Check monitoring off your todo list.

Try Honeybadger for free for 30 days.
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